4 Fantastic Free Twitter Background Images


4 Fantastic Free Twitter Background Images Post Image

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It is time for some fresh and new colors for your Twitter Background Images — entirely free!

How do I change my background image?

  1. Log in to Twitter
  2. In the upper navigation bar, click Settings (Note: your setting’s link might be in the right hand sidebar under your name if your account has the new search integration. Find out more information on integrated search here, and see what is different here)
  3. Click the last setting tab, Design.
  4. Select a template, change your text and background colors, or upload your background image
  5. Save your changes.

Sizes: 1920×1440 (pixels)


twitter bg 01
twitter bg 02
twitter bg 03
twitter bg 04

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  1. Wavatar

    Vispy — April 9, 2009  .  5:33 Edit

    WOW. Awesome. Very useful.


  2. Wavatar

    megan — April 28, 2009  .  2:33 Edit

    wow. very nice! thanks! just what i was looking for!


  3. Wavatar

    kew — May 1, 2009  .  8:20 Edit

    Thanks for sharing.. great bg for my twitter…


  4. Wavatar

    starry_eyez — May 12, 2009  .  12:54 Edit

    your site is awesome ,cool stuff…
    cheers for u


  5. Wavatar

    Jenn — May 20, 2009  .  1:44 Edit

    wow, you guys are awesome, thanks for sharing these, theyre gorgeous 🙂


  6. Wavatar

    Asmodiel — June 19, 2009  .  5:31 Edit

    Hi there!
    I totally love the grey one.
    But could you maybe post a tutorial or the name of the “technique” of these awesomesauce squares?



  7. Wavatar

    KonstantinMiller — July 6, 2009  .  5:37 Edit

    Hello, can you please post some more information on this topic? I would like to read more.


  8. Wavatar

    kurohana_aiko — July 27, 2009  .  11:35 Edit

    thank you so much! these look lovely!


  9. Wavatar

    Chu Huu Trung — October 19, 2009  .  5:02 Edit

    Cool, Thanks 🙂


  10. Wavatar

    amanda probanden — December 25, 2009  .  3:11 Edit

    wow, very nice. thank you for sharing.


  11. Wavatar

    KaraEfendi — June 1, 2010  .  11:00 Edit

    Very nice, thank you so much…


  12. Wavatar

    Kat Skinner — August 24, 2010  .  5:12 Edit

    thank you very much for the background images for twitter. I am using the light (cream) coloured one on my twitter profile (www.twitter.com/kat_skinner) if anyone wishes to see it live.


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