Follow me here and there


Follow me here and there Post Image

Hello friends! Over the weekend my twitter got some new looks and I also build a fan page on Facebook. So please check out and do not forget to follow me.

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    Bettina Evensen — November 19, 2012  .  3:25 Edit

    I found your free vector pattern “different” in some other website, with link to you! I absolutely love the design, with the word “different” on it!
    But when I pushed “download”, it turned into a grey square in the upper left corner of my page!
    Anyway, could I download it directly, and use it with “different” on?
    If you’d like, I add a link from my not yet born site, to your site as a thank you! My field of knowledge is not exactly web-design or online shopping, I’m afraid.

    Have a blessed day!
    Bettina Evensen


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      Faria — November 29, 2012  .  21:08 Edit

      Hey Bettina, sure you can download it directly and use it with “different” on and there is no such issue what your field is you can link it that will be my pleasure.

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- Leonardo da Vinci